Things are harder for this generation.

A Gen X'er hiking in the mountains. The quote says, "Tough times never last, but tough people do."

I was at an event over the weekend and started chatting with a woman who was concerned about the next generation. Her concern was over how difficult it is to get ahead financially today. Compared to when she was starting out, things are much harder today. Buying a house is harder, investments aren’t growing like … Read more

Life Insurance as a Savings Vehicle?

A cartoon picture of the Toronto shoreline, all in reds. There are also several red fireworks in the skyline. The title reads, "Life Insurance is Older than Canada!"

Continuing on with our discussion about insurance, let’s go back and look at a little history. In Canada, life insurance predates Canada becoming a country. The first life insurance policy was issued in 1847! In addition to the death benefit, the policies were also considered safe savings vehicles. In the roaring twenties and the depression … Read more